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Welcome to our section of Veteran's Stories.

This section is dedicated to describing a Veteran's road in the military.

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 We are going to remember one of our World War 2 Veterans that pass away on April 3, 2022, at the age of 97. We will start with some background and then let George Williams tell his own story from the war.

George was born in Dover Tennessee on 6 May 1924. After high school George, Ople Cheatham, and H.P. Anderson joined the U.S. Army Reserve to attend nine months of radio school. They went first to the Hume-Fogg Technical School in Nashville Tennessee then to Mississippi State College. George traveled by Pullman Train and was the first and last time he spent the night!

Stay tuned for the next segment of George William's training!

George is on the left side of the picture.


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Forrest Edward Myers  WW2 and Vietnam War 

John Schaffner World War 2

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